USN-4168-1: Libidn2 vulnerabilities
Canonical Ubuntu
Versions Affected
- Canonical Ubuntu 18.04
It was discovered that Libidn2 incorrectly handled certain inputs. An attacker could possibly use this issue to impersonate domains. (CVE-2019-12290)
It was discovered that Libidn2 incorrectly handled certain inputs. An attacker could possibly use this issue to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2019-18224)
CVEs contained in this USN include: CVE-2019-12290, CVE-2019-18224
Affected Cloud Foundry Products and Versions
Severity is medium unless otherwise noted.
- All versions of Cloud Foundry cflinuxfs3 prior to 0.138.0
Users of affected products are strongly encouraged to follow one of the mitigations below:
- The Cloud Foundry project recommends that Cloud Foundry deployments run with cflinuxfs3 version 0.138.0 or later.