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Press Release

User Survey Shows Cloud Foundry Substantially Reduces Time for Development and Deployment of Cloud Apps

More than half of respondents say they use Cloud Foundry in concert with Kubernetes

December 17, 2020, SAN FRANCISCO — The Cloud Foundry Foundation, home to open source projects simplifying the cloud native developer experience on Kubernetes, today announced the results of its latest user survey that demonstrates substantially reduced times to develop and deploy cloud apps.

Prior to using Cloud Foundry, 65% of survey respondents indicated it took 1 to 6 months or more to develop and deploy a cloud app. That changed dramatically with use of Cloud Foundry technologies with 69% responding that the time period was reduced to between 1 day and 3 weeks.

“The survey shows what we’ve seen for years, Cloud Foundry helps developers in large companies build, run, and manage apps faster and easier,” said Cloud Foundry Foundation executive director Chip Childers. “Since the recent shift in Cloud Foundry to embrace Kubernetes, we’re seeing increased uptake with a new class of users — especially developers at smaller enterprises.”

The survey also revealed the rising popularity of Kubernetes very much in sync with Cloud Foundry’s new direction toward Kubernetes. 57% of participants reported that they were already using Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry together.

The survey respondents are very engaged with Cloud Foundry: 64% indicating they consider themselves to be part of its community; 33% reported they are contributing to the initiative; on average, they are spending 47% of their time dedicated to Cloud Foundry related work.

A profile of survey respondents shows that wide usage of Cloud Foundry within large enterprises: 66% of respondents work for organizations with 1,000 or more employees (25% of the total work for organizations with over 100,000 employees);. 44% report broad deployment across either their entire company or are working towards that. Another 24% of respondents report limited rollout — either broadly used within specific business units or more generally in early stages of rollout.

Overall, the average number of each respondents organization’s cloud applications deployed to Cloud Foundry was 38%. In terms of cloud apps deployed to Cloud Foundry, 21% have over 1,000; 23% were between 50 and 1,000; 36% report less than 50; and the remainder were unsure.

The survey received a total of 176 valid responses, 63% of whom identified as either full time software developers or as being in mixed development and operations.

Cloud Foundry is an open source technology backed by the largest technology companies in the world, including Google, HCL, IBM, SAP, SUSE, Swisscom, and VMware and is being used by leaders in manufacturing, telecommunications and financial services. Only Cloud Foundry delivers the velocity needed to continuously deliver apps at the speed of business. Cloud Foundry’s container-based architecture runs apps in any language on your choice of cloud — Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack, VMware vSphere, and more. With a robust services ecosystem and simple integration with existing technologies, Cloud Foundry is the modern standard for mission critical apps for global organizations.

About Cloud Foundry Foundation 

The Cloud Foundry Foundation is an independent non-profit open source organization formed to sustain the development, promotion and adoption of Cloud Foundry as the industry standard for delivering the best experience for developers to companies of all sizes. The Foundation projects include Cloud Foundry, KubeCF, cf-for-k8s, Eirini, Project Quarks, BOSH, Open Service Broker API, Abacus, CF-Local, CredHub, ServiceFabrik, Stratos and more. Cloud Foundry makes it faster and easier to build, test, deploy and scale applications, and is used by more than half the Fortune 500, representing nearly $15 trillion in combined revenue. Cloud Foundry is hosted by The Linux Foundation and is an Apache 2.0 licensed project available on Github: To learn more, visit:

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Joe Eckert

Eckert Communications

[email protected] 

Chip Childers Profile Image

Chip Childers, AUTHOR