Predix, the Industrial IoT Platform from GE Digital recently became an official Cloud Foundry certified platform. Learn about the platform and opportunities at the first ever Predix Transform Developer Conference in Las Vegas July 25 – July 27.
This is an opportunity for developers to see how the industrial sectors of Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Aviation, Energy, and Transportation are transforming on top of Cloud Foundry as the foundation.
Keynote: Sam Ramji
“GE is going to sell aircraft engine uptime to air carriers like American Airlines. Given the cost of downtime, what airline wouldn’t buy that?” –Sam Ramji
Cloud Foundry Foundation CEO Sam Ramji will be among the keynotes on stage at the developer conference.
Cloud Foundry in Action with Predix
In addition to basic training to help new industrial developers transition to a cloud-native application ecosystem, Jayson DeLancey will be moderating an entire track devoted to work being done with Cloud Foundry at GE Digital.
Cloud Foundry Diego
While the Diego release is not new, the features and adoption of it on the Predix platform is. Amulya Sharma is a Staff Engineer on the Cloud Engineering team responsible for engineering and operations of the Cloud Foundry deployment at GE Digital. He’s going to update Predix developers about what’s new in the architecture and demonstrate a few of the new features like pushing a Docker container.
Route Services
Cloud Foundry core contributor Leo Chu is a Software Engineer at GE Digital and will be talking about his work on Route Services. He’ll touch on how transformations performed on data requests can be used to achieve rate limiting, caching, and logging before an application or service is reached.
Running Any Tech Stack
Chief Software Architect of Products, Diwakar Kasibhotla will walk through a demo of how to use the community .NET buildpack to port legacy Microsoft applications into a Cloud Foundry environment.
Cloud Foundry Use Cases
Steve Winkler, Principal Architect and Open Source champion will be leading a discussion on how the Cloud Foundry roadmap and industrial applications overlap.
Digital Industrial Stories
Nearly every story presented at the Conference will include Cloud Foundry as a foundational layer to its success. Attendees can learn how Cloud Foundry is helping GE Current to create Intelligent Environments in cities and how GE SmartSignal utilizes .NET deployments on Cloud Foundry to build microservices identifying impending equipment failures. Thermal images, engine telematics, cluster analysis, anomaly detection, machine learning in railways, etc. provide industrial stories that many Cloud Foundry enthusiasts may not be aware of.
There is still time for our Cloud Foundry friends to register at and see the wide range of topics speakers will be covering.