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Stratos: A Web-based Management UI for Cloud Foundry

For many users, the trusty Cloud Foundry CLI is the tool of choice for working with Cloud Foundry — deploying applications, managing organizations/spaces and so forth.

Recently, we at SUSE announced Stratos (previously Stratos UI) — the web-based Cloud Foundry management user interface that we built for our users and open sourced for everyone.

SUSE is a Platinum Cloud Foundry member and Cloud Foundry is a key element of SUSE’s Cloud Application Platform that was recently launched. Open source is at the heart of everything SUSE does. Towards the end of last year, we submitted Stratos to the Cloud Foundry Extensions group. I’m very excited to announce it has been accepted and is now an incubator project within the CF Extensions PMC.

What is Stratos?

Stratos is a modern, web-based management application for Cloud Foundry aimed at fulfilling the needs of both developers and administrators. It provides a visual user interface to complement the CLI, allowing end users to perform many of their day-to-day tasks straight from their web browser.

Our goal is to make Stratos as simple and intuitive as possible. We want new users to Cloud Foundry to be able to visualize core concepts and get started quickly. For experienced users, we want to make it easy to navigate a Cloud Foundry deployment, its applications and services, and to get core tasks done with ease.

Stratos is designed to allow multiple Cloud Foundry deployments to be managed through one interface. This enables user to seamlessly work across deployments, organizations/spaces within a deployment and to see a unified view of applications deployed in multiple Cloud Foundry deployments.

Core features of Stratos:

  • Manage multiple Cloud Foundry deployments
  • See a single unified view of applications from one or more Cloud Foundry deployments
  • Easily deploy applications from GitHub (or a public git URL) as well as a local folder or application archive right from a browser
  • Drill down on an application and view metadata, manage routes, services and instances and perform lifecycle actions on an application
  • View live, application logs, streamed over web sockets
  • SSH directly to an application instance from the browser
  • View and manage Cloud Foundry organizations and spaces

What next?

Now that Stratos is part of the Cloud Foundry Extensions ecosystem, we’re looking to grow out the feature set we have today. We hope others are as excited about Stratos as we are and that we grow the community around it with many more users and contributors.

We’d encourage you to jump on over to our GitHub page — check the repo out (star it) and give Stratos a whirl. If you have suggestions or bugs, then hit us up with GitHub issues or ping us in the #stratos Slack CF channel.

We’re really excited about the year ahead and look forward to sharing updates!

Neil MacDougall Profile Image

Neil MacDougall, AUTHOR